Adopting Ethan

Monday, November 27, 2006

Back to Langfang

It is early Tuesday morning in Beijing. We are staying in the third hotel room in three nights!!! the good news is that we will now be here until we leave for Guangzhou on Saturday morning. We go back to Langfang this morning to apply for Ethan's Chinese Passport. This will only be about an hour drive and we will be back to the hotel by noon. The next few days will be "free days" for us as we wait for the passport to be processed. It will be ready just as we leave on Saturday.

This afternoon we are planning to go shopping for a few supplies. It has been very cold here and we have been scolded publically on the streets for not having Ethan in long underwear. The older Chinese women do not approve of the way westerners dress children. Someone told us that if a child was not in enough layers to sweat, they were too cold!!!!

If the weather holds out we are also planning on going to the Beijing Zoo with Ethan maybe tomorrow. They are supposed to have an awesome panda exhibit.


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